Monday, January 3, 2011

Column B Activities

Greetings all,
There are several "Column B" activities/opportunities coming up over the next couple of weeks, many of which are associated with celebrations for the upcoming Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. Additionally, school board meetings have become rather contentious as of late as the board wrestles with plans to fund future improvements in the district. With all of these upcoming events, I have decided to extend the deadline for your activity portfolio and will ask that it be turned in by the end of the last finals period on Tuesday, January 18 (1:25). Obviously, if you are finished prior to this, I encourage you to turn in the portfolio earlier.
If you are interested in attending the school board meeting, it will take place on Monday, January 10 in the DHS Auditorium.
If you are interested in attending an MLK day program, see below for a list of options.
Northwestern's MLK Day programming (click the link for the programs in Evanston or in Chicago to see the different options).
Loyola University's MLK day celebration.
The Dusable Museum has both, an MLK day celebration and several ongoing exhibits that would qualify as a column b activity.
Lake Forest College's MLK day events.
The University of Chicago's MLK events (however all of these seem to be during school hours).

Hope there is something here that interests you. Have fun!