Friday, April 29, 2011

The Marketplace of Ideas is Coming Soon!

The Marketplace of Ideas will be open for business on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 10 and 11 during 2nd and 4th period. Topics and presentation dates are posted below.

Period 2
Kimberly-Child Soldiers 5/10
Willie-Religious Extremism 5/10
Caroline-Torture in Prison 5/10
Eli-Substance Abuse in H.S. 5/10
Effie-Child Abuse 5/10
Zach F.-U.S. Oil Dependency 5/11
Jake G.-Drunk Driving 5/11
Jenny-Immigration 5/10
Megan-Medical Marijuana 5/11
Jake Kaplan-Religious Extremism 5/11
Jesse-Steroids 5/11
Chris K.-Gang Violence 5/10
Max-Airline Safety 5/11
Igor-Juvenile Justice 5/11
Allie-Human Rights in China 5/10
Hayley-Teachers Unions 5/10
Amy-Child Soldiers 5/11
Colleen-Juvenile Justice 5/10
Jenna-Prescription Drug Abuse 5/11
Chelsie-Bullying 5/11
Chris S.-Factory Farming 5/10
Jon-Afghan War Crimes 5/11
Mark-Bullying 5/10
Ricky-Darfur 5/11

Period 4

Lucas-Censorship 5/11
Noah-Water 5/10
Arthur-Gay Marriage 5/11
Ethan-Alternative Fuel 5/10
Chris B.-Fake Pharmaceutical Drugs 5/10
Lana-Addiction 5/11
Scott-Human Trafficking 5/11
Aly-Factory Farming 5/10
Brad-Steroids in H.S. 5/11
Dan-Gang Violence 5/11
Kirsty-Child Prostitution 5/10
Jake Kuz.-Stem Cell Research 5/11
Bennett-Online Gambling 5/10
Matt-Extraordinary Rendition 5/11
Dani-Eating Disorders 5/10
Aron-Local Food Movement 5/10
Siobhan-Child Poverty 5/11
Carl-Immigration 5/10
Andy-Slave Labor 5/10
Joey-Alternative Fuels 5/11
Michelle-Bullying 5/11

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Invisible Children

If you're interested in learning more, go here. Feel free to browse around the website, read about the history of the organization and the war in Uganda, the current status, the invisible children blog, and the latest campaigns. You can also see the trailer for the film we will be seeing in the assembly on Friday. If you are so inspired, feel free to blog about what you learn. Maybe you'll even want to get involved...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Hidden Bias

Do you have any hidden biases? Even though we work to have a society based on the concepts of justice and fairness, are there parts of our unconscious that prevent that from happening? Today you will take a test to perhaps provide an insight to these answers.

1) Go to
2) Read intro.
3) Click on Project Implicit’s website.
4) Click on Demonstration
5) Click on “Go to the Demonstration Tests”
6) Read the Preliminary Information and the Important disclaimer.
7) Click on the “general information about the IAT”
8) Read Measuring Implicit Associations
9) Read the “I am aware…” sentence and click on “I wish to proceed” (if you choose to)
10) Click on Take the Race IAT and read and follow all of the instructions to take the test. You do not need to answer all of the survey questions.
11) Read the results of your test. Consider: did the results show that you have some hidden bias? Were you surprised by the results? What do you think might be some of the reasons behind your test results? What questions do you have about the results?
12) Click on the “frequently asked questions” and skim the questions and answers.
13) Click on the tab at the top of the page labeled “Understanding IAT Results” and read information.
14) Return to Read the entire page. How does this information enhance or change your understanding of your result? What conclusions can you make about stereotypes? Prejudice? Biases? How might hidden biases influence you (or not)?

Race in America

For your next post, you are going to continue to explore the issues associated with race relations in the United States. Thus, please take some time and read some of the stories listed at the websites linked below. Take your time going through the articles. After reading a few from each site, post a response to your work on your blog. What strikes you? How do these match up with your thoughts and ideas from Andrew Hacker and Tim Wise's articles? What changes? What's different? How might any "hidden biases" impact your thinking about any of the articles? This will be considered as part of your portfolio for this unit.
CNN: Black in America
Chicago Tribune: Exploring Race

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mock Trial Recap and Response

After participating in mock trials regarding the issues of sexual harassment and date rape, you all have a first hand knowledge and level of expertise not easily reached by most. For this post please:
  1. Recap each trial (note these comments should be dictated by your own opinion and not your role in the trial). What did you think about the result? Do you agree or disagree with the verdict? What were the most compelling facts? Why were these the most instructive or informative facts to consider? What would you have needed to see or hear in order to reach an opposite outcome?
  2. Respond with your thoughts about both issues. What do people need to know about them? Are these significant problems here at DHS? How does the culture of DHS either add or detract to these problems? How can or should they be addressed?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

What's Going on in the World?

Welcome back to your blogs. Since you've been gone, there have been a lot of changes happening in the world and your readers are wondering what your thoughts are. Thus, please follow these instructions:
  1. Choose a current event (Egypt Protests, Libya rebellion, Wisconsin unions fight).
  2. Go to the NY Times Topics section on whichever event interests you (feel free to more than one).
  3. Scroll down and skim the summary of events and/or most recent articles.
  4. Look at "The Lede" or "Headlines" section on the right hand side and read about the latest news.
  5. Surf around the site, read articles, watch videos, explore what you find interesting about these events. Be sure to explore a cross section of feature news stories as well as editorials and commentary.
  6. Publish a blog post on your reactions and opinions about these events. You must include specific references to the articles or videos you looked at.

Happy Blogging!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Column B Activities

Greetings all,
There are several "Column B" activities/opportunities coming up over the next couple of weeks, many of which are associated with celebrations for the upcoming Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. Additionally, school board meetings have become rather contentious as of late as the board wrestles with plans to fund future improvements in the district. With all of these upcoming events, I have decided to extend the deadline for your activity portfolio and will ask that it be turned in by the end of the last finals period on Tuesday, January 18 (1:25). Obviously, if you are finished prior to this, I encourage you to turn in the portfolio earlier.
If you are interested in attending the school board meeting, it will take place on Monday, January 10 in the DHS Auditorium.
If you are interested in attending an MLK day program, see below for a list of options.
Northwestern's MLK Day programming (click the link for the programs in Evanston or in Chicago to see the different options).
Loyola University's MLK day celebration.
The Dusable Museum has both, an MLK day celebration and several ongoing exhibits that would qualify as a column b activity.
Lake Forest College's MLK day events.
The University of Chicago's MLK events (however all of these seem to be during school hours).

Hope there is something here that interests you. Have fun!