Thursday, December 9, 2010


Since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973 the debates over abortion have not ceased but instead have gotten more contentious with changes in focus and strategies by both sides. Both sides use legal, scientific, as well as emotional arguments with which to make their points and as a result, for many, the issue becomes muddled and confused. Today, your task will be to try to make sense of those arguments. Please blog your responses to the following:
  1. The leading organizations on each side of the debate are NARAL-Prochoice America and National Right to Life. Click on the links and explore each of their websites. Look at their explanations of abortion laws, of different methods of abortion, and of current events in the abortion debate. Then, do a comprehensive analysis of each site/organization. Whose arguments were better and why? Which side seems to be winning the debate and why? How does either influence your opinion on the issue?
  2. What do you, as a 17 or 18 year old high school student, think of these positions? Should a parent have the right to know if their daughter is having an abortion? Should they have the right to consent to it? Why or why not?
  3. Should there be a requirement that the father is notified of a woman's decision to have an abortion? Should he have a right to consent to it or not? Why or why not?
  4. Examine Illinois Abortion Laws (Note, these are compiled by NARAL,thus they are spun in a way that supports their position) and describe your thoughts on Illinois' positions on the abortion. Are there Illinois laws that you agree or disagree with? Is there anything in Illinois law that you would change?