Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Freedom of Religion

In our discussions about Park51, there was a definite consensus that most perspectives believed the First Amendment allowed the Islamic Center/Mosque to be constructed at the site. However, in order to fully understand the issue and all of its implications, it is encumbent upon us to make sure we have a clear idea about the state of American society and its law as it applies to the freedom of religion. Much as we did for the freedom of speech, we will be examining the relationships between students and this individual right. In order to do so please follow the steps below.
  1. Take a look at the results to the State of the First Amendment survey.
  2. Take notes about any results that are interesting, surprising, and/or significant.
  3. Go here and read the overview about religious liberty in public schools.
  4. Take a look at the right hand column from the link above and choose a topic that interests you.
  5. Read the overview associated with your topic.
  6. Choose an article at the bottom of the overview that seems important or interesting and read it.
  7. Do a blog post in which you reflect on the information from steps 1-6 above.
  8. If time, read and comment on the post for the student's blog that is directly under yours on this site.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Let's Blog!

Greetings Issues Students. Welcome to blogging, a world in which you will be able to comment and discuss on the topics and issues from class as well as any other topic that interests you. I encourage you to use it for more than the minimal requirements for class, allowing it to truly represent you, your voice, your concerns and passions.
For class purposes, our primary use of the blog will be as the place to respond to our "outside readings" (more to come later) but we will also use it as a place to engage in dialogue about the issues of the day.
To get started, go to my website (link is also available in the link list to the right) and open up the Let's Blog document. Follow the instructions and start blogging!